To be entered in a random drawing for these cufflinks, just leave a comment below saying where you would take a skull on a date. [If you're reading this on Facebook, be sure to leave your comment on the actual Skull-A-Day.com post]
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).
You have until just Midnight Eastern Time August 18th to enter so don't delay!
And of course you don't have to wait til the end of the contest to get your own cufflinks from CuffLinks2Wear.com. And if you sign up on their site now, you will get a discount voucher worth 10%. Just type SKULLADAY on the discount field during checkout to get your discount. This offer is valid until October 30, 2009 only.
Good luck!
First we would start with a lovely version of Hamlet, then a tour of the Paris Catacombs, followed by a trip to a museum for viewing of an exceptional collection of ossuaries.
The evening would end on my pirate ship, taking wind to the sails and being the frightening scoundrels we were meant to be!
And of course, hoisting the colors!
I'd take the skull to a spa that did milk baths so that it could soak up some calcium and vitamins to help build strong bones, lol.
I think we'd head to Philly and visit the Mutter Museum and see if skully recognized any family.
Haha! Those are great ideas. It seems a little too obvious, but I would just go for a simple picnic at the cemetery.
I think we'd go have some ribs (ha!) and listen to the blues. I would take Skelly to get a coat as he's probably chilly without any skin. He'd probably end up hitting on the waitress, a fellow bony, and I would get mad and yell that he never really accepted me because I was a fleshy. I would take a cab home, he would text and beg me back. We'd make up, but things would never be the same.
Hey, you didn't say it had to be a GOOD date. ;o)
well, since i live in LA, i would take him to the La Brea Tar Pits Museum, to see all the dinos and saber tooth tigers and whatnot.
then, since i am assuming the skull is a vegan like me, i would take him to a very nice vegan café in Olivera Street, and then spend the rest of the day looking at all the different calaveras (candy skulls) and him a skull piñata as a souvenir of the day.
On a hike up Mount Diablo
An afternoon of minigolf and bumper boats on shrooms, followed by an evening cruising the main street in a car full of beer and generally causing trouble for the law.
I would take the skull to see Damien Hirst's "For the Love of God" sculpture to show it that it was not living up to all its possibilities.
We'd sneak onto a golf course at night and make out.
tom sale tomfsale@hughes.net
I'd take him on a lovely hike through Garden of the Gods - skulls need to absorb scenery too!
I'd take a skull on a date to a butcher, so he could wax nostalgic about all that flesh. After a while, when the nostalgia wears off, he'll be glad he didn't have all that mushy, bloody pulp obscuring the bony perfection of his occipitals, and we'd spend the rest of the evening at a jazz club listening to marimbas.
I could say something like Hamlet or something. But I'm not in the pun mindset...maybe I would take a skull to the beach. It's not like it would have to worry about sunblock.
Email: inkneyeliner@gmail.com
I would take the skull to a three course steak dinner followed by couple of drinks. Then we might go back to my place to watch "The Skulls" where the skull would get so turned on it would give me "skull".
skull? how about baby skellie? I take my baby skeleton Sheldon many places - but he really wants to see Punta Cana next! Hopefully the last week in August! ;) You can see baby Sheldon on my blog - he just got back from camping :)
I would take the Ms. Skull on a date wherever Mr. Crossbones was not.
You can contact me at 4152025--at--gmail.com
To a wedding. Just because.
On a trip to Golgotha.
Reach me at pamelasiska@yahoo.com
I'd take the skull home and toss it to the dogs. Not muck of a date, but hey, the dogs would thank me ;)
Email is linked to profile.
Well to start things off we hit the nearest head shop. then if things were seeming to go my way I'd have her fitted at the body shop. That way when we get back to my place id have more to work with then just a little head.
I would take it underwater with me. The odds is it would never have been diving before, so might enjoy the view. It would be quite a sensation with the fish...
I think Mr Skull would love to go rock and roll glow bowling, late night. If we put the bumpers up, he could really hit a lot of pins flying down the lane...and I think he would look fantastic glowing under the black lights...
Why, I'd take him home to meet Mum and Dad where we'd have a nice dinner of boiled cabbage and cheese doodles. We'd look at my parent's vacation slides of their paper plant tour followed by a rousing game of pinochle.
I just hope Mr. Skull and my Dad wouldn't get into a political debate and ruin an otherwise lovely evening.
I love reading these! You guys are brilliant. Keep 'em coming!
First I'd take my date to Mission Bay out here in San Diego for some sculling.
After working up an appetite, we'd hop on a private charter jet and head to The Silver Skillet in Atlanta for dinner.
We'd end up talking late into the night about the nature of consciousness and existence, the line between "brain" and "mind", and our mutual love of Neil Gaiman's work and hair.
I would take a skull on a date to view the "other" wonders of the world. First we'd travel to the Waitomo Glow Worm caves in New Zealand; the luminescent worms cling to the cave walls and ceiling, forming "stars" upon the rock. Then we'd trek through the Himalayas of Tibet (can't you just imagine a skull wrapped in a tight scarf and cap?) From there, we'd take a Vespa across the Great Wall of China; if 5,500 miles of handcrafted stone doesn't make you start hallucinating that a skull is talking to you, nothing will. From there, we'd jet into Europe to visit a few sites like the “Fairy chimneys” and caves of Cappadocia, Turkey, the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and the Canals of Venice. Then, we'd travel to South America to the Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. Maybe from there, we'd go a little further South to the Salt Flats of Bolivia. After that, we'd take a boat to venture into Mexico, and walk up the Pyramid of the Sun; Mr. Skull would definitely get his bones bleached out there! After all of that, we'd head back into the States, visiting the Grand Canyon, the geysers of Yellow Stone, take a walk down Broadway, and maybe even take a fan boat down the bayou. We'd end our fantastic date about a year from now. Our last stop would be in Arlington, Virginia; we'd have a quiet picnic in the Arlington National Cemetery. There, we would gaze at the thousands of small, flag-adorned headstones as a morbid reminder of our brave soliders that fell for their country. We'd end our day laying amongst the grass, starring into the sky. It would probably be next August by then, so the annual Persied meteor shower might be upon us to play a swan song for our incredible date/adventure.
And of course, I would send all the pictures to Skull-a-Day. :)
to a misfits concert haha
Hmmm... Funny, my first thought of a skull date was of gender; if Skully is a Ms., we could do a walk about Philly, with a makeover at MAC and a stopover at a few of the wig shops on Chestnut. Mr. Skull & I would probably head over to South Street for some Hats in the Belfry action, though we'd probably stop by CrashBangBoom for some punky accessories...
i would take a skull on a date to Guntar Von Hagens' Body World exebition
i wouldn't want to make the skull feel alone so, it seems feet, at least for the 1st date
We'd go for a lovely picnic in the local cemetery. It's full of local history. We'd relax with a bottle of blood red wine and munch (what else) head cheese sandwiches.
Of course, we'd enjoy our meal under a full moon...it's so reminiscent of a skull itself.
I'd go to a medical school and hook skully up with a proper body, maybe even a mechanized one so we could terrorize the populous. Cause I provide for my dates, and nothing says fun like bringing fear to humanity.
I'd bring him back to my house...I already have quite a few of his friends already hanging around here. He'll feel totally at home!
Uhh, my wedding! Except my fiance has a cow thing, so he'll probably want cow cuff links...
There will be a skull on my wedding dress. And there will be pictures. And I will submit them. :D
Hmmm...the nursery of a hospital to see all the new little skulls in the world and then a midnight picnic and scavenger hunt in the historic graveyard in town, where we would wax poetic about the journey of a skull from birth to death and beyond.
Deadman's Beach on the British Virgin Islands!
The date would start out with an early evening stroll through Hollywood Cemetery. . There would be a harvest moon because it is the month of October. We would end up on the cliff next to the Mausoleum overlooking the James River (This was the place my husband & I ended up on our first “date”). Everything would be just as it was then, with the exception of the arrest. Both of us would be staring at the strange illusion of the scull in the moon, while it shone its dusky light across the glittering surface of the river. Also, the warm wind would be whipping up around us as an approaching storm moved in complete with lightening. At the end of the evening, the scull and would listen to “Dead Can Dance” on my balcony overlooking a beautiful and mysterious garden, dancing and drinking delicious red wine.
I would take skull to my fave dive bar for "a night to be dismembered", to listen to some good ol heavy metal, then waffle house, b/c thats what you eat after pulling a good night drinking and then top it off with a night cap of crystal head vodka by moonlight. I is soo romantic
woops forgot e-mail earlier dkbrown124-at-yahoo.com
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