- ONLY submit images you've made yourself . Photos you've taken of Simulacra (found objects or items in nature that unintentionally look like skulls) are acceptable. [UPDATE 1/4/09] The only exception is if you are showing off your personal collection of skulls in a group shot to be considered as a "Skull Fanatic".
- PLEASE NOTE: We do NOT post commercially produced items, however if you want to give away one or two of a skull item to our readers we will consider making a giveaway post please contact us for more details.
- Do NOT send in items you have found online
- Do NOT send photos you've taken of art/logos/graffiti/products made by someone else!
- Do NOT send Tattoo pictures unless you are the tattoo artist.
- Do NOT add any text to your image (i.e. your name/website/copyright). We will credit you in the body of the post.
- Do NOT send images with Date Stamps on them.
- Be sure to include your name and location as you would like it to appear on the site.
- Let me know if there is a website you would like your name linked to.
- Please attach the actual image to your e-mail and NOT just a link to your image.
- Larger file sizes are recommended/encouraged (a minimum of 640 x 480 pixels is preferred).
- If you send multiple items we may only pick one or two to include, so be selective.
- Do NOT hurt any animals (or people!) to obtain a skull! Seriously not cool.
- Please keep things family friendly, kids frequent at this site. We won't show Not Safe For Work (NSFW) images on the site, but will link to them occasionally if they are tasteful.
- PLEASE NOTE: When you submit work to Skulladay.com you agree to release it under a Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives License. This means that we have the right to publish your work (on the website and in possible other places, like books, without any payment to you), but the work still belongs ultimately to you and we must credit you if we use it. But don't take our word for it, read the Creative Commons license before submitting anything!

Please be patient it may take up to 7-8 weeks for new submissions to be posted and due to the large number of submissions NOT ALL WORK CAN BE SHOWN (sorry!). However, you can see any and all items in the sidebar if you post them to Flickr and include the tag "skulladay".
PLEASE NOTE: No permission is necessary to repost images from this site to your own blog, we just ask that you please give proper credit to the artist that created the piece and provide a link back to Skull-A-Day and/or the specific post it came from. The more links the merrier! Thanks for your support of the project.