My name is Noah Scalin and I made a Skull-A-Day for a year. I started by making an orange paper skull on June 4th, 2007 and posting it online saying, "I'm making a skull a day for a year". I made my 365th skull on June 2nd, 2008 (and even posted a bonus skull the day after since it was a leap year!).
June 3rd, 2008 marked the start of year two of the project (called Skull-A-Day 2.0) and featured daily submissions from readers.
In October 2008 a book based on the Skull-A-Day, featuring 150 images from the first half of the project, was published by Lark Books. It's called SKULLS and you can buy it from your local independent bookstore or online via Amazon.com or Barnes & Nobel or Powell's Books.
June 3rd, 2009 marked the start of Skull-A-Day 3.0 in which the project continued to feature daily skull submissions, but with the addition of two new site editors: Skull-A-Day überfans Tatman and Citizen Agent, who both made a year of their own original weekly skulls as well (see them HERE and HERE)!
June 3rd, 2010 marked the start of Skull-A-Day 4.0 in which the project continues to feature daily skull submissions, but with the addition of one more site editor: Abby AKA Azurafae, who is also making her own year of original weekly skulls (which you can see HERE)!
June 4th, 2011 is scheduled to be the first official international Skull Appreciation Day (with your help!).
To see my original skulls follow the links below:
SKULLS 1-122
SKULLS 123-244
SKULLS 245-365.25
From time to time I make additional skulls and add them to the count (along with a special one was made by the biggest fan of the site). You can keep track of the new ones here: BONUS SKULLS 366 and counting
To read some nice things said by others about the project and the book check out the Skull-A-Day PRESS.
And to find out what I do when I'm not making skulls check out my socially conscious design and consulting firm Another Limited Rebellion.
You can contact me directly at:

However if you want to send your skull art please follow the directions on the Submissions page.