Stacked Lego Blocks (6in x 5.5 in x 5in [15cm x 14cm x 13cm). You knew I'd eventually get around to this. Legos are another favorite childhood toy of mine. Even though my folks still have my old set I actually bought a random assortment of used white ones on Ebay to have enough to build this.
[UPDATE] There are now downloadable instructions for this skull available
Excellent! I'm definitely a Lego fan. My bro and I had all of the space sets for a while. Good choice to go all white, but I wonder what a good multicolored skull would've looked like. Now all you need is a Lego snake coming out of one of the eyes. How many pieces did you actually use? I'll guess about 140, 200 if the skull is solid.
All is now right with the world. Too bad you don't have wacky step by step illustrated insructions (like all the Lego kits have) to go with it.
I'm not sure how many went into it, maybe a serious Lego enthusiast could figure it out AND write some how-to instructions! Anyone up for the job?
This is great! You've found a new media for art!
Ahhhhh, pure satisfaction!
i can almost hear that quintessential Lego creaking sound that it will make when i pick it up and carry it around everywhere, as we are now inseparable best friends.
Is it wrong to feel that way about a Lego skull? Naaahhh ;)
Alas, poor Legos...
Excellent! Lego has so many uses!
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