Hey folks I've gotten bored with making skulls and after some serious thinking I've decided to rechristen this project with a new theme. As of today the new title will be:
Mug-A-DayI realize it's really late in the project to do this, but I hope you'll all still be really excited about what comes of it. Below is my first new entry. Let me know what you think!

To find out more about mugs go
[UPDATE 4/2: April Fools!]
Too funny! I was really confused and a little pissed off for a second there, thanks for the laugh Noah.
I like this. I would like to post a picture of this one mug I have in my kitchen. It's beige and sort of cylindrical with a handle on the left side. There's a chip in it, but it's not that noticeable.
It's good for coffee or Easter-egg dyeing, but not at the same time.
Mug-a-day is so awesome, glad you finally gave up that silly skull making nonsense! I have a mug too, it's black and it has my name on it!
i'd like to see the mug-ideas you need a lot of people or access to the lights of a big building for. i'm sure you wouldn't dissapoint all the people willing to give you a hand :-)
HA HA HA HA or as we say in espanol ja ja ja, I love it.
The Skull-A-Day RickRoll!
April Fools. How 'bout Cranium-a-day. Head-a-day? I'm partial to Brian-a-day.
I really hate April Fool's Day.
Did I Brian-a-day...of course I meant Brain-a-day. Although Brian-a-day would be cool for all the Brian's in the world.
Ah! I've been rickrolled for the second time today!
Lovely joke. Love the skulls, can't wait to see more.
So... does this mean there won't be a Mug-a-Day? Aw, shucks!
Hahahaha, Very funny!
Now, seriously, where's my skull for the day???
too funny, had me going until i saw the comments. i was gonna send death threats, haha.
guess nobody's hitting the links as no one has commented on the awesome Rick Astley video.
When will the first mug t-shirt be available! I love the first version!
Trying to get another book deal with that mug idea? ;-)
DOOH! you got me...Hilarious!
oh man, i was so mad and confused. i tell everyone to go to this site and i would have felt so dumb.
Funny. I'll drink to that.
Oh you almost had me there! April Fool's Right? Good one.
I'm very excited about the new direction. Bring on a year's worth of mugs, steins and tankards!
Heh. Wewll, you know, Noah, for an April Fool's prank to work, there has to be a level of credibility--but as soon as I saw the words "I've gotten bored with making skulls" I knew it couldn't be legit. It's either April Fool's Day or you got hacked!
@Tatman: today's non-skull is probably why there are only 365 Skulls in this 366-days-year.
@Charlie: we're at least 2 who have enjoyed the video. I think Rick Astley would have danced a wonderfull version of the Skull-A-Dance. And a backflip would be an elegant way to make the steps nr. 9.
Ha! I refuse to acknowledge April Fools Day. It doesn't exist. And neither does Rick Astley.
I would send in a picture of my Church Lady (SNL) mug
one side :"Could it be Satan?"
other side: "How convenient!"
I'm just hoping you turn it around and there's a skull on the other side! Come on! Don't disappoint me!
(The verification "word" is the best ever! Kapakuk!)
How about a tea-leaf skull in the bottom?
Don't leave me hanging here.
I was looking over Phil's shoulder and was like, "Does the skull appear when you fill it with hot liquid?"
I am amazed that Rick Astley wasn't singing in falsetto. His pants are pulled up so HIGH!
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