Here are just a few of the many ones available...

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Favourite Horror movie of all time, Poltergeist II, the one with the creepy preacher dude, scares the crap outa me still!!!
Any of the Evil Dead movies would be at the top for me. Low budget, cheesy effects and Bruce Campbell. I do like that 'Return of the Living Dead' shirt at the top, saw that at our local drive in when it came out. Those were the days, I miss those drive ins.
You'll laugh! "The Mothman Prophecies." I really dig on the Mothman, of course, & really for me? Slow, subtle dissolving of reality with no "bang! SCARY!" ending? No pat finish, no nicely wrapped up bow on it? Much scarier than other films. Give me a creepy phone call any day of the week.
Evil Dead 2
Mine is an oldie.... It's a movie called The Gate. As a kid I would rent it every weekend, and every weekend I would sleep with the lights on after watching it. I would pull the sheets all around me and make a "safe" pockey and pray that the man in the wall wouldn't get me... :) A close second would be Fright Night. Awesome vamp movie... :)
Return of the Living Dead!!! has everything you need in a horror movie, Fun, Classic horror humor, sexy punk girl, a soundtrack thats just as good as the movie c'mon Cramps, 45 Grave... (The Surfin' Dead Scene classic!!!!) A movie you can watch anytime.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space! Best movie ever
Favorite Horror Movie: From Dusk Till Dawn
My favorite horror movie is the Exorcist. You cant beat a possessed little girl who's head spins while spewing split pea soup.
My Blog,
The Thing.
Dawn of the Dead
How could I choose just one? Evil Dead? Return of the Living Dead? The original Friday the 13th? The original My Bloody Valentine? I could go on and on!
Evil Dead series, all the way!! Followed closely by Stephen King's IT. I've never been afraid of clowns, but that movie scared the hell out of me. And last but not least, Alien. Wow. Talk about scary for a kid.
Alien, still scary after 30 years.
Silent Hill is my new fav. Contact me at webmaster AT Hauntseeker Dot com
Its so pretentious to say it, but my favourite horror movies are the old cannibal exploitation movies of the 70's and early 80's - particularly Deodato's 'Cannibal Holocaust'. Between the content, the controversies, and how influential it was (It was the inspiration for the styles of the Blair Witch Project and The Last Broadcast).
Plus, real people are totally scarier than anything else out there...except for Zombies.
Tricky... I guess Roky Horror Picture SHow don't relly count as a horror movie. I think Peter Jackson's "Braindead". The scene with the zombie kid in the park is priceless!
As cheesy as it was, I will always love April Fool's Day.
The Ring. It was the last one I watched. Scared the shit out of me, and haven't watched another one since. I'm a big, big chicken!!
It is SO tough to choose just one... though I see someone else listed "Psychomania". That was definitely my favorite as a kid. :) Now I'd have to say the "Day of the Dead" remake is way up there as one of my favorites as well as "I Am Legend." It's not often that remakes trump the originals for me.
The old "Halloween" was pretty good, however I'd have to agree with FlamingAtheist and say the Evil Dead movies were GREAT!
Poltergeist holds a special place in my heart, but both American versions of the Grudge are my absolute favorite movies.
Probably... The Japanese version of Ring. But any Japanese horror movie, really. They're satisfyingly creepy
I'm going old school. My favorites are the Universal monster movies. Especially Frankenstein and Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Right...forgot email
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
The Craft,Fright Night,Gin gwai 2(The Eye),The Grudge. malaficent@gmail
Hands down my favorite horror movie ever is Zombie by Lucio Fulci...where do I begin?? There is an excellent scene with a (half-naked HA HA!) SCUBA lady who witnesses a real live shark battle a real live deep-sea zombie! How awesome is that?!? It also features the best eyeball scene since Un Chien Andalou. I love me some zombie flicks!!
Night of the Demons
Alien, totally. How can you beat an alien exploding out of someone's chest?
The Shining is a close second.
Jesus Camp
'nuff said.
My all-time fave is 'The Exorcist' - closely followed by: 'Hellraiser', 'City of the Living Dead', 'Demons' and '[REC]'. Like FlamingAtheist (nice name!), I also miss drive-ins. And Horror double- or triple-features (*sigh*).
My email: mizskip62(AT) .
The scariest horror movie ever for me is "CANDYMAN". I remember I was afraid of trying to say "Candyman" 3 times in front of mirror, even till now... hehehe... kinda stupid I know.
DAWN OF THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZOMBIES RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its very hard to pick just one favorite horror movie so I will give one that ticks a lot of my "good horror" boxes:
Only horror that has werewolves looking as they should :),
Makes girls jump up on teh sofa coupel of times,
Its funny, sarcastic and quite smart,
Its made on a small budget that pushed creativity of authors,
DVD version is great (commentary).
If you never saw it you cant call yourself horror fan!
Add me to the list of Evil Dead fans. Although I found them to be almost as much comedy as horror. As far as scary goes...I will forever relive the night that I was 6 years old, peeking through my hands, watching that alien burst out of Bishop's chest. I am a grown man now and every time I see that I go straight back to that same moment.
The Lost Boys! Nuff said....
it may not be quite a horror movie, but when i was a kid the movie Fire In the Sky was pretty horrifying to me.
Near Dark.
My most terrifying movie would have to be It! Tim Curry thrilled me in Rocky Horror but scared the crap out of me in It!
OK Gabrielle – you got me here :) Shining is one of the movies I saw highest number of times!
Fantastic position…
I'm old school. Gotta be House of Wax. Scared the crap out of me as a kid!
Love the Evil Dead movies, too. But the scariest movie of all time for me is "Event Horizon". I can't even look at the box at the local movie rental place without getting chills.
It's most definitely Evil Dead 2. "i'll swallow your soul, i'll swallow your soul." "swallow this!"
oh my favourite is definitely texas chainsaw massacre. leatherface is my hero. so nasty.
Definitely Child's Play. It scared the hell out of me as a kid!
It and Evil Dead
It was a hard choice, mostly because so many of my favorites are horror/thriller or horror/musical/comedy
so, I picked Evil Dead 2, especially for the hand scenes.
My vote has to go to the 1979 version of 'The Amityville Horror' though the 1990 horror television miniseries for 'Stephen King's It' is a pretty damn close second.
Shaun Of The Dead. I'm a woos and it made me laugh alright? :P
House on Haunted Hill (1999 version) is probably my fav, but here is a list of my favs:
Rosemary's Baby
My favorite horror movie of all time, and also the first one I ever saw..."It's alive!" from 1974.I saw it at a drive-in. The next best movie for me is "Alien" in 1979. These movies began my horror movie addiction.
the ring, but the japanese version, so very much better
Stepehen King's Pet Sematary. Young possessed child was really frightening.
I saw it when I was 18... suddenly my younger brother didn't seem so innocent to me... hehe...
contact hiroDOTcolombaniATmailDOTpf
hands DOWN, my fav horror movie of all time is Dead Alive. it is super corny, i know, but its hilarious and disgusting :)
Near impossible to choose just one, there are so may that have given me the goosies over the years. If I HAD to pick one to top the list I think I'd have to go with Children of the Corn. I watched that movie at a drive in theatre (along with C.H.U.D. and The Stuff) and then returned home to our house in the country. Surrounded by corn fields. On three freaking sides.
Yeah. Tough night for a ten year old.
"anything" of the DEAD! Zombies Rock!
favorite horror movie of all time? DEFINITELY Blood Diner
Gratuitous cheesy 80s gore and nudity? Can't go wrong
Way to many to choose from but The RAGE is def one of my favs cause it has the band Mushroomhead in it.
Tremors. Great characters, great monsters, and 95% of the movie takes place in full daylight, something that's pretty rare with horror movies.
blood beach, scared me to death, was scared to go near a beach~
blood beach, it made me stay away from the beach when i was younger.
It is too late to enter the the contest but I have to add
" I have come here to to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and I am all out of bubble gum" One my top Horror movies and top fight scenes.
My favorite horror movie would have to be Dead Alive.
It may not be scary, but its one of the goriest movies I've ever seen.
Razor Blade Smile definitely. She is a badass!!!
The Exorcist, what a classic.
spencerwinson [at] hotmail [dot] com
Cemetery man
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is my favorite. Mind blowing when the tomato rises out of a woman's garbage disposal unit.
Farm products on the attack!
All time favs are Witchboard and of course Army of Darkness.
I stumbled on Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Veron thought it was cheesy and couldn't stop watching it. How can you beat a horror flick that ends with a talking heads track!
the best horror movie has got to be A nightmare on elm St. scared the hell out of me for years.
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