Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super Saturday Skull Fest

Once again it's my pleasure to overload your weekend with super skull artwork. Today's collection comes from tattoo artist Yfic who lives in Western France. "I'm owning my tattoo shop for the past 11 years and sadly don't have the time to do something else except tattooing... working on the theme of skull is a way to come back to the true spirit of tattooing".

An example of her skull tattooing...

An awesome table that resides at the tattoo shop...

And some excellent paintings. Yfic adds, "I'm more free while I'm painting than when I'm tattooing ,because I'm tattooing the customer choice...I 've learned all alone. I've had the chance to live with a mixed-media artist who gave me a lot a ideas with different mediums".

And I love these little Addams family-ish characters made out of used paint tubes. Frankenstein's monster was a recycled creation so he might have been pleased to see these also.

Thanks a ton for sharing the ton of skull art you've done, Yfic. It's an awesome way to start the weekend.

If you are a super skull artist who has a lot to offer then feel free to submit some pics and background info. The Super Saturday posts were made to showcase artists just like YOU!.