Arranged Matches, Unlit and Lit (16in x 24in [41cm x 61cm]). Hey kids DO NOT try this at home, seriously! This was done on the cement floor of my well ventilated garage (though I still ended up smelling like burnt wood), with a fire extinguisher at the ready. The red paint visible underneath the last image is actually from one of the attempts at this skull. I shot some footage of this as well, which I'll eventually edit and put online. And remember...
UPDATE: I forgot to mention this one was suggested by fan Melissa Schneider via the Skull-A-Day Facebook page!
I've been MIA these past few days and you have outdone yourself again! I thought the Tchotchke Skull was cool, but then I saw the watches... and the letters... but the matches...the matches are the BOMB!
All I can say is F'ing Awesome! I wish I was wittier, but this is so cool I was just awestruck. It's just hard to believe that it took over 300 skulls to finally come up with this. It's so perfect it almost seems like a no brainer. Excellent!
aaahhh! you have way too much fun ;)
this was great to see.
just out of curiosity, were these strike anywheres, or strike-on-box?
Strike on box.
this possibly has become my favorite skull you've done.
Skully always was a real hot head.
silvergirl: the way to tell is the strike anywhere kind have a white tip. =)
In addition to running with scissors, I also played with matches.
the concrete and red paint showing through where the skull has burned is an awesome effect
Every PSA should be an Addams Family PSA.
(Oh, and nice flaming skull.)
I've been MIA these past few days and you have outdone yourself again! I thought the Tchotchke Skull was cool, but then I saw the watches... and the letters... but the matches...the matches are the BOMB!
I just discovered your site and a skull a day sounds amazing! I love it.
All I can say is F'ing Awesome! I wish I was wittier, but this is so cool I was just awestruck. It's just hard to believe that it took over 300 skulls to finally come up with this. It's so perfect it almost seems like a no brainer. Excellent!
I agree, this is one of my favorites so far as well! Very creative!
A team of Marvel lawyers are looking into whether you have violated their Ghost Rider trademark as we speak.
Hope you held onto those 300 bucks.
Fire it up, fire it up, fire it up!
I loved it and was really happy to see action shots.
Brilliant!! I love progress shots and the end result.
I don't know why, but this made me think of Beavis & Butthead.
heh heh. fire. fire. heh heh. He set it on fire. heh heh.
seems to be like ghost-rider ;-)
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