To be entered in a random drawing for the shirt just leave a comment below saying what you think the Wiskullsin state motto should be!
IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).
And of course you don't have to wait to get your very own WiSKULLSiN shirt, you can get it today HERE.
Good luck!
[UPDATE: Please note the correct spelling is Wiskullsin with a "k", my mistake for putting it with a "c" originally!]
p.s. People from Willskullsin are clearly very serious about their love for the state...

We finally see the skull of a cheese head! Thanks for the give away, Josh. The ink is seriously serious about lovin' your state. Great stuff!
Even though I can't win, I'll say that Wisconsin's motto should be, "Wisconsin. Where's it's so cold that the cows produce ice cream instead of milk."
See this fist? Let me show you where I live.
Raise a fist for Wiscullsin.
I'm thinking that logo works very well!!!
WiSCULLsin - So hardcore, we roll in our OWN graves!
"Cheese is Christ" ~state motto: Wisconsin.
"Cheese is Christ" ~state motto: Wisconsin.
"You can't spell Wiscullsin without sin."
"Wisconsin: America's ScaryLand"
Have to say, that design is the HAWESOME.
Head cheese isn't even cheese!
Oops, the correct name is "Wiskullsin" with a "k", my mistake. No need to fix your entries that you've already posted though!
"Wiskullsin: Where we live."
I don´t know anything about wisconsin becuase I´m from Argentina but I´ll give it a shot anyway, acording to the other comments.
"Where hell begins"
Wiskullsin: Eat Cheese or Die.
WiSKULLsin: Cold Beers; Colder Hearts
Wiskullsin: Think Cheese
as co-creator, my vote will have to go with "Wiskullsin: America's Scaryland".... waiting for josh's vote.
"Wisconsin: So cold cows nips fall off"
nice ink! cool 'T'! Size small please.
@Alex, that's a good one!
Mine: "We're cooler than Illinois"
Wiskullskin: Cheesy as always!
Wiskullskin state motto: "Backward"
(look up the official WI motto)
Wiskullskin Where hell freezes over again and again
"Wiskullsin... known for our cheese, loved for our skulls."
<3 cupcake
Wiskullsin : You're among fiends
Wiskullsin : You're among fiends
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