Dwayne Carpenter from Richmond, Va. found this creepy looking fellow

David Jaskiewicz from Perth, Western Australia overcomes fear to bring us this moth. He tells us, "Here is a photo I took a couple of years ago from the inside of my kitchen window. Just letting you know I have an unexplainable phobia of moths (however - totally love skulls), so I had to work up the courage to photograph this moth, which appears to have little skulls on the underside of its wings. Thought you might like it.

Long time viewer and first time submitter Jax Easton found what was most certainly a bug at some point. "This is a splotch of bird poo on a park bench outside the Kelvingrove art gallery in Glasgow...It hasn't been modified at all, and was taken by me."
Plus, a bonus this week from Colin Greenleaf to help remind us about the current contest. "This natural coral rock was found on the beach of the Big Island of Hawaii off the Kohala Coast. The black lava rock called A'a (ah-ah) made this white treasure stand out clearly. As soon as I saw this piece of skull booty, we knew it needed to be found on your website. My wife and I are huge fans. Keep up the good work!" Colin took Skull-A-Day with him on his vacation to Hawaii. Thanks, but next time Noah, Citizen, and myself would prefer actual plane tickets. Just kidding. Thanks for sharing everyone!

If anyone knows what type of bugs these are then feel free to leave a note in the comments. Thanks.
The beetle appears to be an Eyed Click Beetle (Alaus oculatus). Nice picture!
Thanks for the info, bugman!
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