And I hope Mario doesn't mind but I have dubbed this piece his "Rainbow Rorshach Skull" because it reminds me so much of Noah's 222. Rorshach Skull.

Once again this proves that skulls don't always have to be bony and brittle or bloody and gory. There are many ways to accentuate that cranium within all of us. Thanks for the reminder, Mario.
That rainbow skull is beautiful! Both are, really, but the rainbow really kicked me.
The rainbow one also looks like a butterfly to me. Very soft and bold at the same time.
i love the lace skull, cool!
I have posted this skull on my wall next to a poem I wrote yesterday. The poem compares poetry writing to lace making. This is for those of you who can read Hebrew...
Li Shir, Israel
אֲנִי מַקִישָה בְּאֱצְבּעי
עַל השולחן
סוֹפֶרֶת הַבָרוֹת
מכפילה וּמְקצרת שורות
כמו תופרת מנוסה
המודדת סרטי תחרה
לבגד כלולות
נותנת לַמִלִים לַשֵאת בִּדְממה
את המוסיקה
של השיר
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