Tina Carson wrote: “Unfortunately I got sucked into Farmville of Facebook, but I let my skull addiction come through on the farm,LOL.”

Zook said: “So. I started playing Farmville on Facebook (I'm an addict) and decided, as one of my first priorities, to build a skull out of white and gray hay bails. Wheee...”

Since I landed in the social media world, I also have been playing with virtual farming. The app I use is called myfarm. Since it was on today’s topic and Friday after all let me flashback to two of my attempts at creative virtual skull farming.
You may recognize the first one from this original Skull.

Facebook apps: either you love them or you hate them. However, let me tell you there is no question that we love when our readers are inspired by the Skull-A-Day and create something unique for us to share. Thank you both for submitting your art with us, now get back to work you have ribbons to earn and cows to find.
P.S. If anyone out there still plays myfarm you can friend me here and be my neighbor.
great, now I want to play farmville just so I can make virtual skulls. I also am tempted to plant flower bulbs in the shape of a skull and surprise the neighbors come spring...
I've also been tempted to build a skull into the farmland itself, but it's such a pain in the patooty! We'll see. Maybe during my next major overhaul of the farm...
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