Instigator and craftivist, Carrie Reichardt (aka The Baroness) has set out to cover London with all of her wonderful works. The first glimpse we got of her awesomeness came in the form of the "Tiki Love Truck". Carrie, Mr. Spunky, and the treatment Rooms Crew took what was a boring old truck and turned it into a rolling work of art that is still legally drivable.

In case you're wondering where she gets her skull tiles for the sweet mosaics- she makes them herself.

The mosaics can be seen at various locations in London covering entire walls of buildings. These skulls are the centerpiece of a mosaic wall mural titled "The Revolution Will Be Ceramicised".

Carrie also does a lot of work in ceramics including decorating them with transfers and adding her own skull touches to them. Currently she is helping to curate a show called "Renegade Potters and Extreme Craft" at the Ink-d gallery in Brighton, UK. It's running from March 12th-April 14th. She recently opened an Etsy shop for any of you who might be interested in purchasing something from the "Renegade Potter".

And last, but definitely not least Carrie is working on a beautiful elephant that I will let her tell you more about. "I am also very busy covering a huge resin elephant in mosaics. I am working with Nick Reynolds, and it is going to be part of the Elephant Parade , London in May. Nick has in fact, cut away half of the elephants head, and is setting back in a skeleton and I am making a foot bracelet in ceramic skulls to go round one of its feet. This event is being billed as the biggest ever public art event, when over 250 decorated elephants are exhibited around London in May. Further details can be found at Elephant Parade London 2010."

You can see a short video here that scratches the surface of the making of "Phoolan".
So in conclusion, thank you to Carrie and all of her crew for bringing us some of London's best skull makers. The art you do and the message you send is taking skull art a long way, and Skull-A-Day will be forever grateful for the creators like you.
Amazing!!! Beyond impressive:)
Her work shows diversity, creativity and beauty. Overall, I'm really impressed.
Most awesome! :)
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