Safety C says:
I am sorry we were unable to include more of your skull series here. I really enjoyed all of them. I liked the theme that you had started with them, and the numbering makes me think they are park of a larger series... perhaps a 365 project? Even if you are on a hiatus from it, who says 365 needs to be in a row? Thank you for sharing your work with us and being a loyal reader.
If you would like to see more of Danger Amy’s series follow the link at the top.
Necrarachnaphobia is hilarious! Good work, Danger Amy.
I love them both. The spider is funny. I like this medical one she did too. http://www.flickr.com/photos/dangeramy/2750566213/in/set-72157604824034479/
Thank you so for posting my skulls! I'm glad you all got a smile from them.
The numbered ones are a set of 20 made as artist trading cards. Nacrarachnophobia was the first to go :)
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