2. #109. Jumbo Lace Skull

I'm very girly, I love lace. Lace is one of the most beautiful fabrics and trims. It can make something basic into something very elegant. Of course, when I saw this piece, I was in love. This was made at the Etsy Labs in NYC. If you're not familiar with Etsy, it's a online shopping site with goods from artisans. Noah's skull fascination (for which we all share), fits in well with their aesthetic. If you all would like to see Noah create this piece, view the video below. He starts making it about half way through the video. The rest of the video is inspirational information about the project, which is also good to watch.
**Flashback Friday was a weekly countdown of the fan selected top 52 skulls of Skull-A-Day 1.o. Each week during year 3.0 The Skullmaster posted the original skull along with some additional commentary in order from lowest to highest rated, with the #1 skull appearing in the last week of year 3.0, all 52 can be found here.
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