Crumpled Paper Coffee Cup. If you've ever spent time in NYC you'll recognize this as the classic paper coffee cup given out at bodegas/delis (why it has Grecian art on it I cannot say). Yes, I found this on the street, and no I didn't leave it there. On a side note my sister, who lives up here, said I really should do something other than skulls made of trash when I'm here since it might give people the wrong impression of this town we both love.
I'm sure NYC can't be any worse than Sydney city. Still, I'm grateful you haven't done a cigarette butt skull yet. That would be serious eww.
Anyway, I love that you make art out of litter and then dispose of it safely after (you're so thoughtful!).
Hell Yeah, Noah! Recycling rocks!
This is such a cool recycled skull! You know, this is the first thing I do every day when I get on the computer - go straight to Skulladay! I can do without a lot of things, but I need my skulladay and my coffee! Even coffee is second to this! Great skull as always! Peace and many blessings, Annie
This is such a cool recycled skull! You know, this is the first thing I do every day when I get on the computer - go straight to Skulladay! I can do without a lot of things, but I need my skulladay and my coffee! Even coffee is second to this! Great skull as always! Peace and many blessings, Annie
Coffee cups have Greek designs on them because, for decades, pretty much every diner and coffee shop in the tri-state area was run by Greeks. A lot of them still are.
The old Jim Belushi "hamburger! Pepsi!" sketch was definitely based on Greek diner short-order cooks.
really very elegant - and ultimately an NYc icon.
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