.22 and 9mm Bullet Holes in Aluminum (skull image 11in x 13in [28cm x 33cm]). A big thanks to my friend Russ who set this up for me, the folks at Dominion Shooting Range for putting up with us, and Neil Neil who suggested this one on the Skull-A-Day Facebook page. I drew the image on the metal and marked where the holes should go with Xs, then I shot the .22 for the outline and let Russ handle the 9mm for the bigger openings. We shot from less than an inch away for accuracy's sake.
Bad. Ass.
I never pictured the vegetarian with a gun.
I was about to congratulate you on your aim until I read the last sentence! :)
Please tell me you took pictures of you with a gun and those cool headphones, and glasses.
:( I hate hand guns. At least you found a somewhat interesting use for them.
Hey, I've shot there before (not, ya know, very well). Neat coincidence. My sister pepperred the ceiling baffles with automatic fire. Good times.
I was going to ask how close you were to your target...but you answered that. I have an old boyfriend who teaches firearms safety and I learned quite a bit about handguns from him. They're NOT like on T.V.
I'm guessing that's a rather thin sheet of metal since a .22 punctured it so well. This is the best use for a gun that I've seen, even though I'm a part time hunter also.
Now you need to frame it and sell it to some crazy NRA member who will pay big bucks. Too bad Charlton Heston is dead.
"Killer" work as always!
this could be use in different ways like for example an anti-NRA slogan or a pro-neighborhood watch, haha
Seeing a lack of comments from anyone overtly pro-gun, I felt I should speak up. I like the idea behind it, but I think it would have been better looking if done from a further distance or the spacing not so near-perfect.
It is pretty interesting, though, knowing a little bit about Noah. Obviously, he did it for the sake of art.
Noah: Thank you for not using this one as an anti-gun statement, but doing it in an artistic way.
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