Tinkertoys (11in x 12in x 6in [28cm x 30cm x 15cm]). I was happy to discover that another one of my favorite childhood toys is still around and still made of wood (though only the sets with fewer pieces). However, this was definitely one of the more difficult materials to get into a recognizable skull form (using only what came in one "jumbo" set).
After LEGO and Lincoln Logs, I guess this was only a matter of time!
Good attempt! They ARE tricky to work with.
Glad you did this one up! As mentioned in the Lincoln Log Skull comments, Tinker Toys were my favorite of the two. Looks good!
Wicked! It looks like a robotic version of Mr. Squarehead Skull.
Hey, I thought about you when I was in the Czech Republic. I went to Kutna Hora to see the bone church. There are lots of skulls there! You can see some pics here. Enjoy! :D
I am so nostalgic for Tinker Toys now that I see this skull. Good job! Love this.
Cuuuuuute! :)
He seems a bit startled to be existing. I suppose we all have days like that, though!
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