The people at
cufflinks have kindly offered to give away a pair of their lovely
Skull Cufflinks to 2 lucky Skull-A-Day readers!

To be entered in a random drawing for a pair of cufflinks, just leave a comment below saying
what you would get a skull for its birthday.
[If you're reading this on FACEBOOK, be sure to leave your comment on the actual Skull-A-Day blog post if you want to be entered in the drawing.]IMPORTANT: Don't forget to include a way to contact you (either an e-mail in the post OR make sure your Blogger profile has an e-mail link for you on it).
You have until just Midnight Eastern Time October 26th to enter so don't delay! [UPDATE: The contest is over, thanks to everyone who participated the winner will be announced in a separate post soon.]And of course you don't have to wait til the end of the contest to get your own cufflinks from You can even
be their fan on Facebook!
Good luck!
I would get a skull a girlfriend for his birthday. Girls are pretty and they smell nice.
a platinum grill with diamonds on it.
joe mueller. you can tweet me or send me an email.
as a side note it might be kinda fun to have a grill with diamond skulls on them. just a thought.
hi, im david from israel
and as a birthday gift i would get the skull some new skin ( face, that is)... unless i find some really groovy old skin in one of those groovy 2nd hand stores.
and if i get those spiffy skull cufflinks, i might let it wear it on it's special day
I'd get a skull a shirt that said, "100% Bonehead". I know it wouldn't be able to wear it, but it would be a great gag.
I'm torn between a complete skeleton (for those days he feels like a Bonehead t-shirt) or a toboggan.
These cufflinks are wicked--love them! Email:
I would definitely get the skull some eyes so it could see then killer cufflinks it helped me win.
i guess i would find him or her a brain. i'd certainly miss my brain if i were dead long enough to decompose completely to my bones, i am sure they would too.
A skullcap
Skull polish. Maybe a nice waxing compound.
a pass to the natural history museum so he could see all his friends
Justin, that was just plain silly (to above post)...
Hi I'm Shelley, and I would make a pillow of the skull's favorite fabric and color for the skull to rest upon each night in comfort.
I'm pretty sure our Germasidle blogger has our email, if not here's a coupla ways to reach me ;)
I think I might get him a really nice sweater, something bright and colorful with a kitten on it, or maybe clowns and rainbows. No flesh must mean he's chilly, and the upbeat patterns might extend that skullish grin into a smile.
On the other hand, I might get him a bowling ball. That way I can keep it when he realizes he can't use it.
A Sweatband
a body... i would get a skull a body. bodies are useful specially for transportation.
An eye patch!
A skull probably needs a platform with some robotic legs so he can get around...since I can't afford that, I'd just give him a hug.
8601 pave-laid diamonds.
(Re: Damien Hirst's For the Love of God )
The place of honor at a kickin' Day of the Dead Fiesta, where he might meet a lovely lady skull....:)
I´d give it the skull a day book, so it could be amazed.
You´re welcome Skull Master.
A dead pony.
Some x-ray specs.
A life-size poster of Gillian Anderson.
I would get my skull a gem-encrusted box to live in. It would keep the dust off and maintain a bit of mystery so inherent in the appeal of the simulacra.
i would get him or her a hat; depending on when their birthday was and the climate; maybe a fez or a touk
I would get a skull some polishing wax so it can get a good shine.
putty to fill in the cracks
i'd send him a framed copy of the glowing write up of his performance in Hamlet, complete with photos
I'd give it a birthday suit, I think a skull might like a body again.
I would give my skull the board game Cranium, Dr Kawashima's Brain Training and a Terry's Chocolate Orange. Everybody likes chocolate.
I would get a skull a nice jar to display itself in for it's birthday, along with a plaque that has its name, and a table to put itself on.
I would get it a "skullpture"
I would get him a mobile BONE so he can call all his friends
Definitely a top hat!
If I'm somehow lucky enough to win, please email diane (at) moonblossom (dot) net
Skull polish...of course! (found at your local skullery) When I win, send a link (or set) to! HA!
I'd get my skull a fancy hat to start out with, and eventually give him/her a proper body... dress it up proper!
I would get Mr. Skull a big fat cuban Cigar. That way he would feel important on his birthday.
I would get mr. skull a big fat Cuban Cigar. That way he would feel important on his birthday!!!
id get him some cheese to fill the cracks and a black candle to light his memories on fire. xx
I would find him a lovely skeleton of a squirrel monkey named Jenkins with whom the skull could be friends/lovers with, after which it would be a terrible tragedy to separate the two, and thus together they could live their (after)lives upon the dusty shelf of a well-to-do gentleman.
A nice painting up done like those lucky skulls in the Hallstatt Charnel House.
I would offer him a dog... ahhh wait... not sure after all.
a fluffy cushion to lay that bony behind on
If it was a boy skull, I'd get a girl skull. If it was a girl skull, I'd get it a boy skull.
I would give it some hats, it's getting cold out.
easy. a helmet
I think perhaps a photo shoot. So he/she could be shared with the world via the interwebby. And of course a party hat.
I'd give the skull some good heavy music, the kind with bone rattling bass lines, and guitar riffs that resonate through the cerebellum... I think he'd like that.
A top hat.
I think that I would give the skull some good bone polish. So that he could look his best while out looking for fun.
I would get a skull a brain that way it could speak, and we could make prank calls.
A "flesh" tatoo
I would get the skull another skull to cuddle with!!
i would buy a skull a fancy new display case. maybe something with wrought iron and red velvet lining. everyone likes to feel pretty right?
I would give a skull a leather bound journal and an ornate silver fountain pen so that it could share it's story with us. the first chapter would have to be the shortest, a brief background of the person to whom the skull originally belonged. chapter two would be about the birth the skull itself, how it emerged from the skin that it had worn, the excitement the skull must have felt the first time if felt the air on it's bone instead of the wind in it's hair. i would want chapter 3 to be about how skulls interact with each other, what prejudices must be removed when one's gender and race aren't the first thing you see. then a few pages of abstract drawings. yes, that's what i would get a skull for it's birthday.
Rev. Noah Blanchard
The rest of his skeleton, of course.
I would buy a skull a bandana - nothin' looks more kickass than a skull in a bandana
Some glass eyes...
I would get a skull a sweet mohawk to stick on it's gleaming dome. I mean, who doesn't like a mohawk?
I would get a skull a really cool hat - a fabulous silk top hat with a black rose : )
I'd give a skull a wig. I think it may miss hair, once in a while.
Oh, definitely a worm to live in its eye socket and whisper it secrets in the dark.
Hello I am Gustavo from Colombia
I would get a skull an adamantium-plate. It may look like one of these cufflinks, and also would be indestructible!!
I would get a skull a photo shoot and debute on Skulladay! What more could a skull want?? Of course I'd give it the star treatment with some skull buffing and such, a fantastic wardrobe made up of hats and glasses, and the Skulladay book to read inbetween setting up shots. Heaven for a skull I tell ya.
i would get a skull a nice warm, fuzzy hat. It's pretty chill out and her noggin might get cold!
Birthday cake, ice cream, and a gift certificate to Archie McPhee's!
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