First up is a pair of pumpkin skulls he did over the last two years.

...and finally Tom told us: “Took one last parting shot of this guy before I disassembled him. Unfortunately one of my sons friends decided to climb on him and it broke his back from his pelvis. He's been outside for the last 15 years doing duty as my yard guard so his head is proudly displayed in my collection for now. Maybe I'll build a better one in the future.”

Skynet C says:
“Maybe I'll build a better one in the future.” Cue foreboding music here, “Tom Adams come with me if you want to live.” There has been a lot of talk recently about 365 projects because of the Skullmaster’s new book, perhaps you should look into doing one yourself. You have shared your multi-discipline talents with us in your work so you would be a natural. Thanks again for another great round of contributions.
the last one is fantastic! :)
Thanks Divaeva, He will be missed. Hey C, My life is already a 365 project.
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